STEAM Trainee Paving the Way

STEAM Trainee Paving the Way

When we met up with Thalia Salt, a dynamic individual who was on a journey as an AFL Å·ÃÀAV Trainee at Salesian College Sunbury. Specialising in the STEAM Department (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics).
You might be thinking, hang on, isn’t it STEM? STEAM is a progression of the original STEM acronym, plus one additional element: art. The integration of the arts into STEM learning has allowed people to expand the benefits of hands-on education and collaboration in a variety of ways, promoting creativity and curiosity at the core.

It’s in this STEAM field of interest that Thalia has been carving her path while also completing her Certificate III in Business.

Reflecting on her traineeship experience, Thalia expresses her passion for guiding and mentoring students. One of her notable achievements includes coaching young girls through a 12-week program in technology—an experience she describes as immensely rewarding.

“The highlight of my traineeship so far has been the scenarios within my work where I have been able to be kind of like a guide or mentor for students. I coached some students through a 12 week program for young girls in tech which was a really cool experience.”

Thalia’s role encompasses a range of responsibilities, from managing drones to assisting with 3D printing projects. She showcased her proficiency in technology by controlling drones through her iPad and facilitating a dedicated drone class focused on usage and regulations.

Additionally, Thalia oversees the utilisation of virtual reality headsets in classes, further enriching student curiosity and learning experiences.

“I have loved this year. Especially the job aspect. I think it was a really great way for me to transition from a student into the workforce. It has given me space to develop a lot about myself and the way that I work, in a way that VCE didn’t allow me too.”

“We have a drones class, that is completely focused on the use and regulations for drones – the students do a bunch of projects including designing their own drone business.”

Thalia’s enthusiasm for her role is palpable as she speaks about her daily tasks. From tinkering with technology to assisting students with their creative endeavours. Her passion for STEAM subjects is evident and she embraces each opportunity to empower students to explore, create and innovate.

At Salesian College Sunbury, Thalia’s presence is not just about fulfilling a role; it’s about leaving a lasting impact on the students she interacts with.

By fostering an environment of creativity and curiosity, she instils in them the confidence to pursue their interests in technology and beyond.

As Thalia continues to navigate her career journey, one thing is clear: her dedication and passion for STEAM education are undeniable. Through her role as a mentor and guide, she inspires the next generation of innovators and problem solvers.

Despite her busy schedule, Thalia’s enthusiasm for her role shines through as she navigates her Traineeship with zest and dedication.

Thalia epitomises the spirit of empowerment and growth. Her commitment to STEAM education and mentorship inspires students and other educators alike.

Paving the way for a future generation of leaders in technology and innovation.

If you’ve recently completed your Traineeship, join our Alumni!

is a long-time partner with AFL Å·ÃÀAV. Together we’ve been shaping the futures of Trainees and making a lasting impact for over 10 years.

With over 29 years of experience providing quality job opportunities and launching the careers of thousands of young Australians. AFL Å·ÃÀAV offers diverse and thrilling opportunities that could take your career to the next level.

Suppose you’re just starting in your career or looking to take it in a new direction. AFL Å·ÃÀAV has something to offer. With a commitment to quality training and support. You can be sure that you’ll have the tools you need to succeed.

We have taken the successful AFL Å·ÃÀAV model and applied it to the arts, cultural and creative industries.

The ArtsReady program assists employers in engaging young Australians in traineeships. ArtsReady is delivered by AFL Å·ÃÀAV, a not-for-profit organisation specialising in education and employment for over 29 years. The national program prepares participants to graduate as job-ready. Offering on-the-job work experience.


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